Please circulate information on the Government of Canada’s Student Work Integrated Learning Program to all your stakeholders. ESDC has approved Venture for Canada to deliver SWILP in Atlantic Canada. Venture for Canada is to help 500 Post -Secondary Education students (over three years) get paid work experience with Atlantic Canadian companies.
Employers, including small and medium-sized enterprises, are encouraged to partner with local Post -Secondary Education institutions that are delivering programs in the fields of STEM and business to provide work placements for these students. Employers can receive wage subsidies of up to 50 percent of the wage cost for the placement (up to a maximum of $5,000 per placement) and up to 70 percent (up to a maximum of $7,000 per placement) for under-represented students including first-year students, women in STEM, Indigenous students, persons with disabilities and newcomers. Employer groups referenced above will provide wage subsidies.
A number of national sector councils/industry associations have successfully applied to coordinate the delivery of a Student Integrated Learning program for their respective industry members throughout Canada. (see list of approved programs below).
Most recently Venture for Canada has been approved by ESDC to deliver a Work Integrated Program in Atlantic Canada. Contact Scott Stirrett, Founder and Executive Director of Venture for Canada for more information. His phone number is Tel; 902-401-0041 and his Email is
Please spread with all your stakeholders.
Thank you
News Release From: Employment and Social Development Canada
Helping 60,000 post-secondary students get important work-ready skills over the next five years
August 28, 2017 Toronto, Ontario – Employment and Social Development Canada
Giving post-secondary students the chance to learn in a hands-on work environment is part of the Government’s plan to put Canada’s greatest strength—its skilled, hard-working people—at the heart of a more innovative new economy.
The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, today announced that the Government of Canada will help create 60,000 student work placements over the next five years.
The Government of Canada is rolling out a $73-million investment in the Student Work-Integrated Learning Program to create 10,000 paid student work placements over the next four years, facilitating stronger partnerships between employers and partnering polytechnics, universities, and colleges. Budget 2017 also announced $221 million in funding over five years for Mitacs, a not-for-profit organization that provides research internships with a goal of creating 10,000 work placements per year.
Minister Hajdu made the announcement at Synaptive Medical during an event hosted by BioTalent Canada, one of several industry partners working with the Government of Canada. BioTalent Canada, a national non-profit organization, is the human resources partner of Canada’s bio-economy and focuses on building partnerships and skills for Canada’s bio-economy to ensure the industry has access to job-ready people. BioTalent, which has taken a leadership role in providing student work placements, will receive close to $5.6 million. It is expected that more than 1,000 student work placements will be made available to post-secondary students through this partnership.
Student Work-Integrated Learning Program
Work-integrated learning combines classroom learning and hands-on learning in a workplace. The Student Work-Integrated Learning program helps post-secondary students in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) and business programs get work experience they need to prepare for jobs in these high-demand fields
Purpose of program
Employment and Social Development Canada will support partnerships between employers and post-secondary education (PSE) institutions to create more work placements for students enrolled in post-secondary studies across Canada.
Students who participate in work placements are more likely to:
- benefit from higher earnings, more employment and more full-time employment;
- be employed in fields more closely related to their studies;
- develop technical and work-ready skills (for example, strategic thinking, problem solving and teamwork) sought after by employers.
Delivery of program
The program focuses on occupations in STEM and business that require a high degree of technical skill for which there are not enough qualified workers.
Employer delivery partners that represent the interests of employers in industries related to STEM and business deliver the program, working with PSE institutions.
These employer delivery partners will provide wage subsidies to employers that offer quality student work placements and will also help establish partnerships with PSE institutions to recruit students for these placements. More information for students, employers and PSE institutions is available from the employer groups listed below:
Employers, including small and medium-sized enterprises, are encouraged to partner with local PSE institutions that are delivering programs in the fields of STEM and business to provide work placements for these students. Employers can receive wage subsidies of up to 50 percent of the wage cost for the placement (up to a maximum of $5,000 per placement) and up to 70 percent (up to a maximum of $7,000 per placement) for under-represented students including first-year students, women in STEM, Indigenous students, persons with disabilities and newcomers. Employer groups referenced above will provide wage subsidies.
Post-secondary education (PSE) institutions
PSE institutions delivering programs in the fields of STEM and business are encouraged to reach out to local STEM and business employers in the area to provide more student work placements, as well as employer groups referenced above to increase partnerships.
Students studying in the fields of STEM and business are encouraged to check with their PSE institution to see if placements are available to apply for.
Wage Subsidy Program for Environmental Students
Related links
- Watch the video! Student Work Placements explained
- Canadian Association For Co-operative Education
- Job Bank
- News Release
Contact us
- Student Work-Integrated Learning Program
Employment and Social Development Canada
140 Promenade du portage, Phase IV
Mailstop 402 - Submit a comment or a question to the Student Work-Integrated Learning Program.
On , April 11, 2018, the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour and MP Sean Casey made an exciting announcement about how the Government of Canada is helping post-secondary students get paid work experience in Atlantic Canada. Providing WIL Opportunities for Students at Innovative Atlantic SMEs