As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic the Amherst & Area Chamber of Commerce is using this space as a bulletin board for business on COVID – 19 related information and links.
Province of Nova Scotia coronavirus COVID_19 information page:
In order to stay up to date to be aware of developments and how to protect yourself, your customers and your employees. The Province of Nova Scotia coronavirus information page is a good source of information for all.
In order to stay up to date to be aware of developments and how to protect yourself, your customers and your employees. The Province of Nova Scotia coronavirus information page is a good source of information for all.
Interesting Facts:
- Testing only works if you have symptoms. Prior to symptoms showing up the test doesn’t work. If you think you have the symptoms of coronavirus call 811.
Important Links:
At present (March 17, 2020 2:00 pm) the Government of Canada has announced its initial support program for entrepreneurs impacted by the coronavirus COVID-19. Details are available by following the link:
The following information is available for employers and employees:
Employer responsibilities:
EI for employees laid off due to business disruption: