April 18, 2018
Bringing the community to date on the actions of the Amherst & Area Chamber of Commerce
Amherst & Area Chamber of Commerce (AACC) President Carys Wood is very pleased with the level of membership engagement in activities with the Chamber in the past twelve months. In speaking to the AACC Board about the 2018 Annual General Meeting coming up on the evening of April 27, Ms. Wood reminded them that this wasn’t just our Spring Dinner, but was our opportunity to bring our members up to date on the commitment she made to bring the Amherst Chamber members at the last Spring Dinner. That commitment being the AACC back into the black without fundraising, and furthermore to increase the value to the members of belonging to the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade international network.
With the upcoming Spring Dinner event, it’s also important to draw businesses’ attention to the “Pay it Forward” category on the recently released ‘Sponsorship Opportunities’ document. For a $50 sponsorship an organization can purchase an event ticket for a local student in a business studies program and have that student assigned a seat with an individual who will act as a mentor for the evening. With the theme of “Welcome to Cumberland” it’s very much about networking.
Ms. Wood also pointed out that the AACC would be nominating a local business member of the Chamber for the Nova Scotia Business Inc. Export awards. She said this was an excellent opportunity to set the stage for the Amherst & Area Chamber’s return to presenting Business awards. The AACC Fall Dinner that will be held in October during Small Business Week will see the presentation of a number of Business awards by the Amherst & Area Chamber. The exact categories and criteria around the awards will be released once the plans are finalized.
On the provincial level, Ms. Wood answered questions from the Board as to the intention of the Amherst & Area Chamber of Commerce to collaborate with the Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce in preparing a policy submission for presentation to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce around Dykelands protection from rising Tides and erosion of the dykes.