Accommodation Policy
THE COMPANY is committed to providing equal treatment with respect to employment without discrimination.
THE COMPANY has adopted this policy to ensure that our staff are provided with meaningful employment that is ethical and fair, and is in compliance with all applicable employment and human rights legislation. All employment services provided by THE COMPANY shall follow the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity.
The approach taken by THE COMPANY in the provision of reasonable accommodation shall include:
- Personalized plans designed to meet the specific needs of individuals;
- Collaborative practices in the creation and implementation of accommodation plans through consultation of all relevant stakeholders, the person to be accommodated, and medical professionals; and
- An approach that ensures confidentiality and dignity.
THE COMPANY will support the accommodation of employees and job applicants who require workplace accommodation under any of the grounds described in the Code.
THE COMPANY will work to achieve a workplace free from barriers by providing accommodation for the needs of those individuals covered by the Code, up to the point where it causes undue hardship for THE COMPANY. Every effort will be made such that the impact of accommodation will not discriminate against another group protected by the Code.
Duty to Accommodate
THE COMPANY will work to ensure that individuals protected under the Code are able to work effectively by making adjustments or modifications to the work, or the work environment, up to the point of undue hardship.
THE COMPANY will work with the individual that requests accommodation in an effort to ensure that the measures taken are both effective and mutually agreeable. THE COMPANY encourages individuals to make any needs for accommodation known to their immediate supervisor, and to work with them in addressing the issue(s).
Accommodation shall be provided for individuals where the work must be modified or adjusted to address the needs of the individual based on protected grounds of discrimination under human rights legislation.
THE COMPANY shall provide accommodation as appropriate using a consultative approach that involves the company, the individual, and as appropriate, any applicable union representatives, healthcare professionals, and other third parties that are required to assist in the accommodation process.
Accommodation may be temporary or permanent, based on the requirements of the individual.
The process of accommodating individuals is a shared obligation of THE COMPANY, the employee, and any applicable unions representing employees. Management staff should be the first point of contact for employees when requesting a form of accommodation. Together, in consultation with Human Resources, and, where appropriate, healthcare practitioners and other required third parties, they will work to determine the most appropriate form(s) of accommodation to meet the needs of the individual.
Creating the Accommodation Plan
Any employee requesting accommodation must make a request to their manager or immediate supervisor. The manager is responsible for ensuring that a written description of the accommodation plan is prepared for the employee.
THE COMPANY shall create an accommodation plan and attempt to determine methods of achieving the requirements for success in the position in alternative manners.
In the creation of an accommodation plan, THE COMPANY shall:
1.Identify the need for accommodation.
2.Determine objectives for performance in the role, and potential barriers.
3.Create a plan for achieving the objectives in an alternative manner.
4.Examine the options for accommodation, and select the most appropriate avenue for accommodation.
5.Implement the accommodation process.
6.Provide training as appropriate.
7.Review and revise based on feedback.
If an Employee Cannot be Accommodated in Their Current Position
In some cases, it will be reasonable to accommodate an individual in another position. The Human Resources department, working with appropriate THE COMPANY officers, the employee, and the union if applicable, will attempt to place the employee in another available position. This may require the assistance of third parties with specialized expertise.
Where an employee is placed in an alternate position, THE COMPANY shall ensure that the employee has the requisite qualifications and skillset necessary for success in the position, is capable of performing the tasks associated with the position, and that the employee agrees that the alternate work is acceptable.
Appropriate Accommodations
Appropriate accommodations may include:
- Work station adjustments;
- Changes to organizational policies and practices;
- Technical aids;
- Human support;
- Providing materials in alternative formats;
- Building modifications;
- Counselling and referral services;
- Temporary or permanent alternative work;
- Changes to performance standards;
- Leaves of absence; and
- Changes to work uniforms.
This list is not exhaustive.
Job Redesign
In the event that the accommodation requires a substantial change in the position, involving duties or hours, the position may be redesigned.
Financing the Accommodation
Where the required accommodation necessitates an investment in materials, equipment, or increased budget for the position, requests for financing must be directed to (Insert Appropriate Authority).
Undue Hardship
THE COMPANY shall work to provide workplace accommodation up to the point of undue hardship. Undue hardship may occur where it is established that no forms of appropriate accommodation exist, or where the creation of accommodation would cause excessive costs for the organization, or where the accommodation would create a health and safety hazard.
Responsive Dispute Resolution
In the event that the employee requesting accommodation feels that their needs have not been met in a reasonable manner, they may file a written complaint through the Human Resources department.
Acknowledgement and Agreement
I, (Employee Name), acknowledge that I have read and understand the Accommodation Policy of THE COMPANY. Further, I agree to adhere to this policy and will ensure that employees working under my direction adhere to this policy. I understand that if I violate the rules/procedures outlined in this policy, I may face corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.
Name: | ____________________________________ |
Signature: | ____________________________________ |
Date: | ____________________________________ |
Witness: | ____________________________________ |